- Character card images are placed in the game directory's UserData\chara\female
- Put the costume card image into the UserData\coordinate in the game directory. You don't need to do this if you don't have a costume card.
- zipmod files into the mods folder in the game directory. You don't need to do this if you don't have any mods.
- Overlays file to the game directory of UserData\Overlays No Overlays do not need to perform this operation, this is the texture file, do not put it does not matter, you can ignore the
- Very few character cards have abdata files, put them in the abdata folder in the game directory, ignore the rest of the folders, they are mostly preview files.

download address
Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1i7RQzoOU5MxdyN04TPZlHQ?pwd=hnwj Extract code: hnwj